Adopting a dog from Ryedale Dog Rescue

Some thoughts before you adopt
There are many reasons for wanting to adopt a rescue dog. You may feel you are an experienced dog guardian and could offer a knowledgeable, safe home where your chosen pal can settle and be supported to have a full and enjoyable life. You may have “fallen” for an appealing photo on our website or display board and know this is the one! (It should be pointed out that a photo is just that – a snapshot of a second in time that will give you no clue to a dog’s personality or behaviour). It may be that a pedigree pooch of your favourite breed is available. Perhaps your present dog would value a companion. Whatever the reason Ryedale Dog Rescue will continue to offer support after adoption takes place
Placing a dog in a new home is a huge responsibility for us. It may seem that the questions on the adoption form are intrusive. Sometimes, before or after a home check, the explanation that your home is not the right one for a particular dog may be upsetting or even feel downright wrong. Years of experience in placing dogs guides the decisions we make, always with the dog’s best interest at heart
We have invested in these dogs, not just financially but emotionally. Whilst they’re in the care of RDR they are treated with love and kindness and when they go it is a massive leap of faith in the person taking them. Placing a dog in an unsuitable home can upset not only the dog, (the most important point) but the potential adopters and those at the Rescue. You are taking on the responsibility of a life, a living creature that’s been through stuff and seen stuff or is simply a product of its inherited genes or misfortune.
Another fact of life is that having a dog is not cheap. Feeding, bedding, vets bills, even for vaccinations and other basic needs, soon mount up and some dogs require professional grooming from time to time. How your dog will be looked after if you have to go away also comes into the equation
If you want to give a home to a dog and you’re prepared to nurture that dog with love and kindness to show it the way you live, and teach it what it needs to know to achieve a mutually beneficial and lifelong relationship then, and only then, is the time to search for a rescue dog ( or any other dog for that matter).